And here’s my post for the 52 Week Project Week 2, “Your Front Door”. I knew I could take an adorable picture of my beautiful german shepherd basking in the morning sunlight by the front door, but I decided to take a different route. A lot of people had great pics, where their dog looked like show-dog, country-magazine perfection. And … Read More
So I started a 52 Week photo project…
To keep my creative juices flowing—and the camera in my hand—I decided to participate in Lens Pro to Go’s 52 Week Photo Project. Each week everyone posts a photo in the Flickr group based on the theme that Lens Pro to Go decides on. The first week of January was “A Self Portrait Without You In it”. I gathered as much stuff that … Read More
My favorite cover
Without a doubt, this is my favorite cover so far. The next chapter of my life has begun, and it’s starting in Charleston, South Carolina. My husband is in the Navy, so in typical military fashion we have been picked up and relocated. And honestly, I couldn’t be more excited about it. Of course, the economy isn’t the greatest to … Read More