This week’s LensProtoGo theme for the 52 Week Project was “winter”. The trouble with that is, there are not any real signs of winter in South Carolina. At least not what I’m used to seeing from growing up in Maryland. The trees are mostly pines and palm trees, the grass turns brown…and that’s about the only indication I can see. And of course the temperature drops, but visually nature hardly shows any clues.
But inside my house is a different story. There is plenty of “winter” signs, because the Christmas tree is up, the lights are up on the house and there’s a ton of decorations. The only sign of winter around me, are the decorations.
So I decided to go for a bokeh effect as to not just blatantly take a picture of a tree, I wanted to do something more abstract. So I set up my tripod, opened up the aperture and took some photos with a long exposure. I really am pleased with the results.