This week’s LensProtoGo 52 Week Project theme was “Looking Down”. Once again, I wanted to avoid cliches or the expected shot of staircases, or eyes looking down. I actually didn’t have a clear plan in my mind for this one, and I decided it would just sort of come to me so I went about my day. I decided I was finally use the cedar plank for grilling salmon that I’ve had in my kitchen drawer since I ran 8k sponsored by a seafood company. (Heads up runners, don’t eat seafood right after running a race…ugh) Turns out, I don’t really know how to use a cedar plank and it went up in flames pretty quick! The salmon actually tasted good and wasn’t burned too bad or dry…but it did look a little charred when I looked down.
So I got my camera and “looked down” at my dinner gone awry. I liked the cold steel and dark chard-ness of the grill against the peachy and orange salmon and flames.