Without a doubt, this is my favorite cover so far.
The next chapter of my life has begun, and it’s starting in Charleston, South Carolina. My husband is in the Navy, so in typical military fashion we have been picked up and relocated. And honestly, I couldn’t be more excited about it. Of course, the economy isn’t the greatest to be leaving a great job (Art Director at The Health Journal, in Williamsburg) and starting all over again, but I’m excited to find new opportunities. Charleston is beautiful, it’s one the coolest cities in the country and I am excited to be a resident.
Now back to this cover. I love it. We acquired some brand new photo equipment at The Health Journal, two AlienBees B1600 lights, some awesome soft boxes and a seamless gray background. And I personally acquired a new 24-70mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens for my Nikon D90. So I was already pumped to see the effects. Basically the cover article is about companies keeping down insurance costs by taking an active role in their employees health (read it here), and I had this absurd idea that just kept popping into my head—and when that happens, I know I can’t let it go and I have to at least attempt it before I can be satisfied and let it go if it’s not right. I just imagined a guy in a business suit, pumping iron at the desk, on a conference call, 80s sweat band…maybe running on a treadmill, you get the idea. And then, even better, I found a guy from my workout class (at the awesome B-defined) willing to be my model! His name is Bernie, and he’s president of the Williamsburg bank of Suntrust. Awesome, absolute perfection. Everything just came together to make this cover.
I love the grays, the pop of the red and most importantly the humor of it all.